Rendimiento de coma flotante35.9 TFLOPS
La ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3090 Trinity OC es una tarjeta gráfica diseñada para ofrecer una experiencia de alto nivel en aplicaciones exigentes, como el gaming y tareas de creación de contenido.
En términos de rendimiento, cumple de manera satisfactoria con los estándares actuales, gracias a su potente capacidad de procesamiento en punto flotante que alcanza los **35.9 TFLOPs**. Equipado con **10,496 unidades de sombreado**, este modelo asegura un procesamiento gráfico fluido y eficiente.
En cuanto a la memoria, la tarjeta cuenta con **24 GB de VRAM GDDR6X**, lo cual proporciona una capacidad muy robusta, ideal para manejar texturas de alta resolución y proyectos intensivos. Su **ancho de banda de memoria de 936 GB/s** asegura una transferencia de datos rápida y eficiente.
Entre sus principales características destacan el soporte para tecnologías avanzadas como **DLSS** (Deep Learning Super Sampling) y **trazado de rayos en tiempo real (Ray Tracing)**, lo que le permite recrear gráficos inmersivos y renderizados con precisión, elevando la calidad visual a niveles impresionantes.
La ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3090 Trinity OC es una tarjeta con características equilibradas y capacidades avanzadas, diseñada para quienes buscan un rendimiento confiable y acceso a tecnologías gráficas de última generación.
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Quote from: TruthIsThere on September 25, 2020, 06:45:43 Quote from: TruthIsThere on September 25, 2020, 06:45:43 Ultimate gaming sure but only for 4K 60 and above (depending on the title). The positioning of the 3090 is exactly the same as that of the Titan RTX. Whether one would buy a Titan for solely for gaming or not is up to the customer. I think you are conflating multiple things here. You should not have taken those marketing numbers at face value. It is no secret that companies would want to showcase their products in the best light. This is where independent reviews, such as the one you are reading above, comes in, right? For that matter, why would some one even look to upgrade from a Maxwell 980 or even from an RX580 if all their only goal in life is to frag enemies in Doom? It is much more than that. There are reasons why you wouldn't see more than average of 10% gains over the 3080. Not all games or benchmarks can scale well to those many cores. As game engines develop, we will see better utilization. Secondly, going for a 3090 means you are investing primarily for the extra VRAM and NVLink for the few scenarios that benefit from them. Essentially, you are getting a Quadro for cheap. More importantly, you are getting a much more powerful card for almost the same price you'd have paid for a 2080 Ti at launch. That is how you should be looking at it and not just from an FPS perspective alone. Can the 3090 play in 8K? Yes. Is it the definitive card for 8K gaming? Of course not. We are still quite a few gens far from that. Right now, you will have to bank upon DLSS to get playable frame rates at 8K not to mention associated hardware such as having loads of RAM, CPU horsepower, a beefy power supply, and a native 8K display. That being said, we have to start somewhere and the 3090 is where it begins.
NVIDIA has clearly stated that the RTX 3090 is the ultimate gaming card. Not that is a creator or professional card. It evens states that its design for 8K gaming in its PR, not for content creators, etc. You guys love being apologetic when these companies fall short from their overhyped lies. Jensen said double the performance between the 3080 vs 2080. That was a lie. It's more like 50-65%. Minecraft and Doom does not count. (Who would upgrade from a 1080ti or 2000 series to an 3000 series just to play those titles?) This card is only 5-9% faster compared to the RTX 3080 for over double the price. I guess that is what Jensen meant by DOUBLE, huh?!